Tower crane is assembled from standard section made between standard section has a dedicated bayonet fixed to each other. If you are observant, you will find the top of the tower crane there is a height and size of the surrounding sections are larger than standard section of the climb, as the standard section wearing a hat, and with the increase of the festival will climb the tower crane and rise tower rises in fact the whole secret section on this climb.
Tower crane installation process is very complex. First tower needs a solid foundation, after the completion of the tower crane foundation, then the balance of the tower crane boom, boom, cab and other lifting body in the tower, thus completing the initial installation of the tower crane. With the increase of the building, will be higher than is necessary for the tower crane lifting machine plus a festival.
The original section of the climb there is a hydraulic jack, elevated tower crane is relying on top of this hydraulic jack lift. Each standard section of the tower crane has a fulcrum for supporting hydraulic jacks, hydraulic jacks can climb section standard section will rise against himself! Climbing tower crane is a section with increasing height increases when climbing festival height to the height of a standard section when it is vacated between two standard section on the bottom section of space to climb a standard section by repeating the process of jacking plus festival constantly increased.